Copyright laws grant authors, artists and other creators automatic protection for their literary and artistic creations, from the moment they create it.


Copyright is a type of intellectual property that gives its Proprietor the exclusive right to copy and distribute a creative work, usually for a limited time. The creative work may be in a literary, artistic, educational, or musical form

  • Copyright enlistment gets the freedoms of the makers, organizations, writers, authors, programming engineers, and so on

Benefits of Copyright Registration

What is Copyright?

The purpose of copyright registration is to place on record a verifiable account of the date and content of the work in question, so that in the event of a legal claim, or case of infringement or plagiarism, the copyright owner can produce a copy of the work from an official government source

Stages of Copyright Filing
  • It affirms the responsibility for made by the first proprietors of such work and keeps any outsider from abusing the equivalent either disconnected or public space.

  • Lawful Protection

  • Proprietor exposure

  • Limits Unauthorized Reproduction

  • Making of Asset

  • Freely available report

  • Copyright helps in building up believability in Market

Copyright can be taken for the following works

i) Artistic works - digital images, paintings, sculpture, photographs etc.

ii) Literary works - books, journal articles, conference papers, poems etc

iii) Dramatic works - plays, scripts

iv) Musical works - scores and notated music, sound recordings

v) Cinematography videos, films

vi) Software Source code, Interface

Span of the Copyright Filing and Registration
  • Enlistment of Copyright may take somewhere around 3 to a half year

Validity of Copyright Registration

The common guideline is that copyright goes on for quite some time. On account of original literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works the 60-year time frame is counted from the year following the passing of the creator.

i) Published Work - Lifetime of the Author + 60 years

ii) Unpublished Work ( when the author was alive) - 60 years from the end of the year from which the act of publishing, performing or recording is done.

iii) Copyright protection for Cinematography, photographs and computer programs different from every classification

a) Sound recording - 60 years from the end of the year, the recording for first published

b) Cinematography, Photographs and Computer Programs - 60 years from the end of the year from which the act of publishing, performing or recording is done

sakaiena quality management copy rights
sakaiena quality management copy rights